Meow, an American woman, has gained attention for identifying as a dog and living a canine-inspired lifestyle. Appearing on *The Kyle & Jackie O Show*, she shared details of her unique identity as a Dalmatian, which includes sleeping in a crate with pastel blankets, enjoying dog treats, and sometimes barking or running on all fours. A social media star and Twitch streamer, she has over 11,000 Instagram followers.
Meow finds comfort in her lifestyle, feeling safe in her crate and enjoying the playfulness of a dog’s life. Her handlers, supportive friends, assist her with tasks like walks and training, maintaining a non-sexual but encouraging dynamic. Meow’s diet includes shredded chicken, jerky, and dog biscuits, occasionally enhanced with bone broth.
Despite societal judgments, Meow embraces her identity, believing it connects her more deeply to her primal instincts and humanity. Her story celebrates individuality and the freedom to live authentically.